Friday, December 23, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
thats so fetch
hi there! I thought that yea today it's gonna be a good day, and when I woke up, the weather still sucked, just like it did yesterday too. I came just about after 1 home yesterday. I was s000o dead! today I haven't really done anything. hmmm some homework!!!! and then I actually were really really quick in itäkeskus with my sister and my dad. I got new shoes! love them, picture lateroo. and then I found a jacket, again, or I had watched at it before but, now I need it, want it, have to have it... will see. oh yea, I should buy some presents to everybody else too, how the fu am I gonna make it haha.... noo one week until christmas, naah I will make it :)
have a nice sunday x
Saturday, December 17, 2011
it's totally fine

just about to leave and watch that kid. will be home from there again about just after midnight. but it's totally fine, ciao
I still follow the same rivers
christmas shopping, shopping for myself, dead feet, hungry, tired, long nights, restelss, finding a place to put botox to this young is kind of scary, trying to get something done, but no, eating cake for dinner, sleeping, dead

Wednesday, December 14, 2011
uuu I'm late, just as late as you

look who's back! and who got the pictureshit working again! I got so bored, doing those so boring schoolsomething that I didn't do them. go me. I started to delete some old music from my itunes, and haha, I found so much shit! can't belive I've listened to those songs! anyway, I remember every single one when and why I liked them. cool huh?
now time for grey's, finally!
J-Kwon: Tipsy vs. Nappy Roots: Good Day by broomstix
really? thats one of my favorite songs when I was on the 7th grade or something grate
I can't take you seriously, seriously
moi kaikki sukellusveneet. I'm so exhausted! no words. I were in school today. whyyyyyy? I almost lost my voice in some point. but I had fun, some very interesting duscussions with some even more interesting people, not, but still. I got way too much homework which has to be done. sleep sounds so much better, so....
ps. are you fucking serious that the fucking way I put my or other fucking pictures in here is no longer fucking available or not fucking working?!?!?!?! wtf fuck fuck fuck ? like, fucking seriously I fucking hate this shit motherfuuuuuuu ckerssssss murrrrrrrrrrrr adios
pps. you see, you can put fucking in everysingle part of a sentence, it works :) but still, it wasn't my point, but anyway, just saying :)
ps. are you fucking serious that the fucking way I put my or other fucking pictures in here is no longer fucking available or not fucking working?!?!?!?! wtf fuck fuck fuck ? like, fucking seriously I fucking hate this shit motherfuuuuuuu ckerssssss murrrrrrrrrrrr adios
pps. you see, you can put fucking in everysingle part of a sentence, it works :) but still, it wasn't my point, but anyway, just saying :)
Monday, December 12, 2011
last time, six days ago
sorrysorrysorry for being so dead!! but this time I really have a reason to it, pneumonia (haha, way to go, keuhkokuume in finish). soooo, yesterday I went to see the one and only famous mr doctor, because I have had 39 degrees fever the last three days. took some blood tests and so on and so on. got an antibiotic cure for 10 days, or 10 more if they haven't helped after the first 10, and one weeks vacation from away school (!!), but I guess I will go back to school when I'm able to do that. (it looks pretty much like everyone is sick right now so I don't mind to be sick too haha)
so what can I say, I haven't really done anything the past 5 days, seriously. not moved a leg. but the antibiotics are already helping a lot, or I feel so much better already! yaaaayyyyyyyyy
will post more later
Dillon Francis - I.D.G.A.F.O.S. by DILLONFRANCIS
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
you there come here
![]() |
stolen from meri's blog |
one day off from school makes me always so much happier. no stress no nothing. I have just chilled in my pyjama the whole day.
because of the one day vacation I invited some people to my place to just chill and drink glögg yesterday! I had a very nice evening :)
now I'm just gonna continue look fore some new clothes I want. I have already found so much argh!
ps. happy independence day
Sunday, December 4, 2011
I live for everything that surrounds me

hey! I'm really really really tired. yesterday was okay. pictures from the party later :) now I just wanna go to sleep... tomorrow it's time for some schoolshit. anyway, on tuesday no school so thats a plus.
Friday, December 2, 2011
chica, please
hey there! some old pictures from last summer. even if it's christmas soon (already what is it 22 days until it) I don't feel like I want to celebrate it at all. and I have already huge stress with what to buy to everyone for present... ugh anyway today it's friday, and I'm home, just chilling... altho, tomorrow it's partypartyparty so it's good with one chillfriday right... this week have been soo, easy (?). and I have enjoyed some good laughs several times. haha! now I'm hungry so cusoon!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
hello depressing everything
some pics from turkey! oh I wanna go somewhere warm now. this rain and storm etc. is killing me!!! I've been busy today, altho I thought that I wasn't gonna do anything today. I woke up pretty late, guess why? fu paranormal didn't leave my mind yesterday... haha, to everyone who haven't seen it yet, shore go, but you will scream and cry and wish you never did go (yes I did do that, I letterly cried because I was so scared... buu). I went to ikea with my sister too today, food, and some new sheets were bought! for the rest of the evening/day I have just been struggling with my network, talked in the phone too long and ate. tomorrow no school! how cool isn't that
Saturday, November 26, 2011
morning sunshines. so lovely with almost 12 hours of sleeping... what was it, sleep needed? yes indeed. now for the rest of the day I'm just gonna chill home I think. at the evening it's time for paranormal activity 3..... I will be soooo dead. haven't seen my bf in almost 2 weeks now so I'll go with him. have a nice saturday!
Friday, November 25, 2011
16 minutes
good evening! I'm so happy, and relieved that the tests are soon over, and all the fu stress and panic the day before is over! there is one test to go but still. ahh and the friday is here, love it. I'm actually just about to leave to the town, to eat chinese food with Stina, omnomnom. and after that, if we can make it, we are going to Essi and spend a girls night or something really don't know what but anyway, haha. have a nice friday!


Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
hey mushrooms. I'm seriously dead. not that I have done anything today, just read, read, read and read. I thought that I could actually go to sleep now. maybe I'll get on a better mood then
ps. yesterday was fun , thank you all ♥
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
nothing to write about
nothing to write about , spanish is calling, and for the first time I'm waiting to get to my workouts. xx
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
you make me say
hello hello! tired as hell but what ever. eating these lovely cupcakes mina gave me yesterday, yummyyyyy! and trying to "read" spanish words... huhh, this day have been more than, I don't know what. can't really try to explain either. now I decided to fix my ugly nails (so I'm not at this point anymore eating cupcakes or reading spanish, how slow am I?) so see you guys!
my food of the day
Sunday, November 13, 2011
father's day
hello hello my dears. look what a beautiful cake I baked with my grandma! however here I am, doing grate. my weekend have been casual , nothing special have happened. the rock party on friday was nice! on saturday I just stayed home, and sometimes it's really really really nice. today I've done nothing, just a lot of homework, and then of course I and my family went to see my grandfather and grandmother to the town. happy father's day to all the dads.... tomorrow it's my birthday!!!!! so I got my birthday present from them too, liked it (them) a lot! this was just a quick post , see you latero
Friday, November 11, 2011
have to start making myself ready for tonight's rock theme birthday party... ugh still don't know what to wear... meeh see you later , I'll fix some pics from there too adios
ps. have a nice friday my fellows