Thursday, July 7, 2011

okay hi! now ju...

 okay hi! now just for your information , I'm really , really , really tired 
today I have been 7 hours watching that kid in our neighbour and I will be there tomorrow to. superfun , we were in the park and then we watched a movieee , and then I fell asleep and so did heeee , and then I woke up , and then I ate all their fooood , and then he woke uuuup and I had to make food to hiiiiiim and then we ate , and then we ate again , and then the day was already over. like I said superfun! tomorrow the same thing over again! YAY

right now my dears , I'm watching this movie (which is really awesome) (or I'm not so sure because like I said I'm really tired and everything makes me laugh) .......... anyway it's name is "date night" ;;) and i recommend because I'm seriously peeing in my pants

okayyy I think that was it , nightsss x

ps. somehow that picture just fitted in this post and I can't do anything about it's bad quality

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